Rabu, Februari 5, 2025
BerandaKIPINFuture of School Infrastructure and Learning in Indonesia

Future of School Infrastructure and Learning in Indonesia

How does school prepares its technology infrastructure for students in year 2020? A computer lab with notebooks connected to server? So student can visit the computer lab, on time sharing basis with other students to get the educational contents in the server for study? They have to take turn and if the lab is busy everyone only given 30 minutes time slot to learn.
Such restricted structure has been the way and the norm since 1980 but now is becoming very obsolete. Unfortunately and still very recently in 2019, Indonesian state schools still implementing and adopting such obsolete server technology for their premises. This is like wasting so much taxpayers money for buying technology that is decades old.
New trends changing the demands on school digital infrastructure, for example:

  • BYOD, A bring-your-own-device culture, fueling students’ expectation to access educational content and collaboration anywhere in school, using personal smartphones and tablets;
  • Increase use of video for learning, from experts and other teachers into their learning process as addition to what students learn in school, also more selection of books, and other features such as exam practises (tryout) and abundance literacy materials;
  • The growing popularity of bringing the learning material home for personal and individual study at their own time and pace.
    These changes in new ways of learning demand a different school infrastructure

 These changes in new ways of learning demand a different school infrastructure

Learning digital is sitting at a des in a classroom or computer lab Learn from anywhere including at home and outdoor with individual mobile device
Learning only top down from teacher  to student Learn at more horizontal level where student can self discover, self learn at own pace
Learning with very limited materials e.g. books Learning with massive digital contents, ebooks, videos, multimedia, tryouts practises, literacy comics

It is very important that school infrastructure must evolve to support more innovative approaches to learning and teaching for students and teachers. The strategic service every school must offer soon is a fast wi-fi spot that can suppport multiple digital contents of ebooks, videos, exam practices and others.
This is what exactly KIPIN eduSPOT offers, an exclusive technology developed by Pendidikan.id to solve school’s requirements based on the trend changes. There is no other solution as complete, integrated and well researched and tested as KIPIN platform. To get more information on future school infrastructure, please contact [email protected] or read more information at www.kipin.id


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