Minggu, Februari 9, 2025
BerandaEDTECHIMPACT DRIVEN INNOVATIONHow Kipin EduTech bringing digital learning to rural Indonesia:

How Kipin EduTech bringing digital learning to rural Indonesia:

Digital Learning to Rural Indonesia
Digital Learning to Rural Indonesia
Kipin Classroom
Kipin Classroom

Partnership public-private – It is very effective to provide equal high-quality content in the form of classes, study material, tests, books, etc. to rural schools, teachers and students. Collaboration with edutech companies like Kipin can achieve quick success in the short term while maintaining the Indonesian government long term vision and planning in education. 

It is very effective for the government to engage private edtech companies to build necessary school digital infrastructure, Kipin Classroom is an example of excellence local innovation for this. Fast deployment to rural schools allows training to teachers and that will ensure that the rural students are also getting the same quality of learning compared to what urban students are getting, to bring the quality education gap closer in school for all.

Kipin as the EdTech for Indonesia
Kipin as the EdTech for Indonesia

Kipin Classroom provides Easy access to information even in area without internet; easy retention of information with download-and-go technology, more variety of information with local 60,000 digital library server, better presentation of information with video, sound, color, animation, and activities, teaching became more interactive all within one application Kipin School 4.0, easy sharing of knowledge and more interest in learning.

Santoso Suratso / Ceo of Kipin.id said “Kipin edutech technology will give the most efficient, transparent, personalized, scalable, and accountable systems which will provide the best learning experiences for all students in cities or rurals – no boundary. Although 2021 was a milestone year in EdTech, 2022 will be a year when the disruption in education becomes the new normal and the future of Indonesian EdTech will truly be defined”.

 Kipin EduTech Technology
Kipin EduTech Technology

COVID-19 has been a strong catalyst to the digital sector, during the crisis, there were no alternatives, and digital suddenly became the norm. Adoption and usage has increased and the demand for digital including edtech solutions has grown at an extraordinary pace. However, Indonesia is different from other countries, we have 17,000 islands that are hard to reach, many blank spots, and low internet access, that is why the Kipin School app and Kipin Classroom hardware combination will be the local innovation that disrupts it all.


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