No other country has 17,000 islands like Indonesia with a population of 276 million people spread over various locations. Education in Indonesia is still not optimal in terms of the structure of the system, because there are still many inequalities in the education system in Indonesia. This is due to several factors that still cannot run optimally, so education in Indonesia is still low according to the PISA score.
What are the critical challenges that become the problem of Indonesian education?
1. Digital teaching, learning materials, and digital libraries are still very minimal in majority of schools
Since the shift to digital learning a couple years ago, schools still do not have the proper digital teaching materials for teachers and students, they are not at all optimal. Converting previous traditional teaching materials to digital has been very slow progress even after two years. The distribution of digital teaching materials is very uneven to all corners of the country.
2. Inadequate digital facilities and digital infrastructure for schools outside big cities
The availability of digital infrastructure such as internet connection is not evenly distributed. Big cities may have all the benefits but small islands, mountains, rurals, and underdeveloped areas are very much left behind in both technological equipment and digital internet infrastructure.
3. Lacking of Teacher Digital Skills
There are still many teachers with low digital skills or none at all, they are still untrained and lacking digital tools. The adaptation to the new digital skill is not easy without proper digital devices that support teachers.

4. Economic Limitations and Poverty
Millions of the nation’s children can not receive alternative, better education outside the school system because of economic limitations. Simply said they go to state schools because they are free to attend but alternative education is not. Unfortunately, majority of schools do not have proper digital tools to provide digital learning access for students, so millions are still shackled by poverty and left behind.
Indonesia Edtech entrepreneurs may say that the challenges above are too big problems for startups to handle, instead the government should solve them. In reality the government is not able to solve it better than creative edtech entrepreneurs. Steffina Yuli said “The government is still looking for the right model and solution for solving it, they are looking to partner with edtech startups with the right approach in solving the current problems.”
KIPIN by Pendidikan.id understands these problems better than anyone else, started in 2013 and headed by the most qualified executive S. Suratso and Ginting S., with 30 years combined experience in management and technology, they developed a magic solution that solves it all, i.e. KIPIN CLASSROOM edtech device for school digitalization. Since commercial launching Kipin Classroom in 2020, the product is growing fast and has reached 1,200 of schools in just a couple of years. This is the model and solution that the government of Indonesia is looking for to help solve the four big challenges above. To see how Kipin Classroom innovation solves it please visit www.kipin.id