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Liven Up the Digital Literacy Movement in SD Klampis Ngasem 01 with Kipin Perpus SD

Students of SDN Klampis Ngasem 01

There are many ways to support the National Digital Literacy program held by the Ministry of Communication and Information Technology (Kominfo) in collaboration with the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology (Kemendikbud Ristek). Schools in Surabaya are starting to implement Digital Literacy programs for their students. The Digital Literacy Movement is a must during the intensive internet usage by all Indonesian society. Children are the younger generation, and it is important to get an education and good literacy habits as the next generation. SD Klampis Ngasem 01 is a pioneer of a school that builds a culture of literacy from an early age, specifically by presenting Kipin as a digital library.

Kipin Perpus SD application is the right solution for having a digital library without internet access. In the Kipin module, available on 400 comics that are interesting and educational. All of them are original Kipin comics that discuss manners, culture, and science that add insight to students at school.

According to one of the teachers at SD Klampis Ngasem 01, installing Kipin Library is very easy and practical. Currently, students are very excited to use the library, because there is a Kipin Library Module available which has many interesting literacy readings. Now the school library is becoming more lively with increasing visits to the library from grades 1-6, teachers, and school committees. In addition to containing hundreds of literacy comics, schools can add content that supports student learning at school, including:

–         200 Merdeka Curriculum Books and thousands of other school textbooks from Kemendikbud Ristek Curriculum

–         Learning videos with the real teachers

–         Thousands of Tryout and Quiz to increase children’s enthusiasm for learning and curiosity

Mrs. Sofiati as the librarian at SD Klampis Ngasem 01 also felt the positive impact after using Kipin Perpus SD. Starting from the visitors who increase every day and the student’s interest in reading is also increasing. With the existence of Kipin Perpus, schools have succeeded in building a culture of literacy from an early age by maximizing computer facilities in their schools. Studying in the library is no longer boring because there is Kipin as a fun and interesting learning medium. Complete learning resources can help students to continue to develop and be active in learning and become excellent students.

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Author :
Nyimas Nafisah

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