Digital learning is an immediate need but connectivity takes a long time to build for Indonesia, a country with 17,000 islands. If we rely on connectivity first for digital learning to start then people will miss out on access to education and be left behind – Indonesia will lose their competitive edge.
Digital skills and the digitalization of schools must start today without waiting for internet connectivity. To accomplish these goals, government and schools put in place at scale, fast, and immediately supporting digital learning devices like Kipin Classroom, which does not need internet connectivity.

Kipin Classroom is very affordable for school, it allows digital learning today as the smart device that works as a local content server providing wifi access for all students in a school. Access to education is very easy and content for digital learning is massive inside Kipin, every video, book, or tryout can be downloaded and taken home by students with Kipin School 4.0 native app, so they can study at home without any need for internet connection.
With the G20 happening in Bali now, it is time for Indonesia to rise and show the world that we have big edtech innovations that work independent with minimum reliance from foreign technology. Kipin Classroom is a powerful enabler of social inclusion in digital learning and education.
It is time to extend digital learning to rural schools and students.
Steffina Yuli said “The progress in digital learning is uneven and the consequences significantly negative to the underserved students.” They are left-behind in the race to digitalize during the Covid-19 pandemic, an estimated 30 million students still do not have access to digital learning. Addressing this challenge requires innovative efforts across the government ministries to outsource local solutions such as Kipin Classroom.
Digital transformation is for everyone.